Corporate Wellness

Do you really care about your employee's health?
Traditionally, when articulating the business case for managing people’s health, employers focused on quantifying the negative impact of ill health such as the cost of sickness/absence.
Modern thinking reflects a more positive link between the introduction of wellness programmes in the workplace and improved business key performance indicators.

The Value of Employee Wellbeing
If you can help your employees level up their overall health & happiness, you are building long-term advocates for your brand. Imagine the impact on your business!
Increased Productivity
Employee Morale
Employee Retention
Customer Satisfaction
Building Camaraderie Among Colleagues
Reduced Absenteeism
Reduced Health Risks
Reduced Claims
47% of Organisations
Employees Health & Wellbeing is a top priority in 2022

46% of Organisations
Experienced a formal employee conflict or dispute in 2021

9 out of 10
employees expect their employer to support them in balancing work and personal commitments

9 out of 10
workers at companies that support well-being initiatives are more likely to recommend their company as a good place to work

The team at Simplyou are on a MISSION to help people live happ(ier) & healthier.
Our founder Paul has been General Manager of the Pembroke Hotel in Kilkenny for over ten years.
Despite achieving his dream job very early in his career, Paul realised that initially, this success came at a price. Although having excellent career success, his health and other areas of his life suffered due to this singular focus.
More importantly, he realised it didn't have to, with a more thoughtful & balanced approach.
After completing a 90-day online program called WILDFIT, Paul had such a profound experience that he trained as a wildfit coach to share it with other busy professionals.
We believe there is a real opportunity to help organisations level up their employee's health in a simple and fun way through the WILDFIT program.
If you want to see how our WILDFIT corporate wellness challenge could help your organisation, we would love to hear from you.
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